Junior School Dumyat Day

Some of our Junior School pupils climbed and conquered Dumyat, this week. One of our Teachers of Geography, Mr Sedman, details the journey:

Ascending over 400 metres of rough, wet and sometimes steep terrain, the Junior School’s journey up Dumyat was no mean feat.

Groups set off from Menstrie and Logie Kirk at about 10am supported by teachers from both the Junior and Senior schools. Both groups converged at the summit at mid-day for a spot of lunch. The weather was sunny and hot to start the climb, but quite cold and wet at the top. So a day of contrasts, very befitting a hill-day in Scotland.

Children enjoyed looking at the expansive views across the central belt and experiencing the changing weather conditions. There were a lot of ‘dad’ jokes employed to keep everyone amused and to help motivate them through the final stretch to the top.

This was the culmination of the John Muir ‘Discovery’ Award which J1 students have been working towards for the past 9 months. As a mountaineer and explorer I am sure John Muir would have approved of the adventurous hill-walk that these young explorers undertook.

They will be presented with their certificates at a formal assembly at the end of this month.

Eliot Sedman, Teacher of Geography