Senior Girls Uniform

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Senior Girls Uniform

  • Dollar Academy blazer – the blazer is the standard wear for all Seniors, who may, in addition, wear a black or dark blue coat during bad weather
  • Dollar Academy tartan kilt (NB: the kilt is to be worn at knee length) or regulation plain black long trousers (optional alternative to the kilt only from approved uniform suppliers)
  • Plain navy v neck sweater (sleeveless optional), cardigan or Dollar mid-layer (NB: “Hoodies” are not to be worn with school uniform)
  • White, long sleeved shirt, long enough to be fully tucked in to the kilt.
  • Dollar Academy tie
  • Short sleeved open necked white blouse without tie (optional for summer months from Easter to October Break)
  • Navy opaque tights or knee length navy socks
  • Flat black polished leather shoes (not trainers)
  • School scarf (optional – but only a regulation Dollar scarf to be worn)
  • Hair accessories must be plain navy/black or Dollar Academy Tartan
  • Jewellery (earrings, rings, necklaces, bracelets and nose rings) is not permitted and pupils will be asked to remove them or have them confiscated. If you wish to have your ears pierced, you should arrange this at a time in the year which will not require you to wear studs (covered or otherwise) to school.
  • Excessive make-up and coloured nail-varnish/false/acrylic nails or false eyelashes are not permitted.






Senior Girls Uniform - Trousers

  • Dollar Academy blazer – the blazer is the standard wear for all Seniors.
  • School puffa jacket – whilst we recognise and respect parents right to choose an appropriate jacket for winter months, we believe the Dollar Puffa represents value for money and encourages a sense of belonging and school pride. This should be worn over the blazer during winter months.
  • Dollar Academy kilt worn at a smart and respectful length or regulation plain black long trousers (optional alternative to the kilt only from approved uniform suppliers)
  • Plain navy v neck sweater (sleeveless optional), cardigan or Dollar mid-layer (NB: “Hoodies” are not to be worn with school uniform)
  • White long or short sleeved shirt
  • Dollar Academy tie
  • Short sleeved open necked white blouse without tie (optional for summer months from Easter to October Break)
  • Navy opaque tights or knee length navy socks
  • Flat black polished or patent shoes
  • School scarf (optional – but only a regulation Dollar scarf to be worn)
  • Hair accessories must be plain navy/black or Dollar Academy Tartan
  • Jewellery must be minimal. The definition of minimal jewellery is: a maximum of one plain stud in each ear, no hooped earrings; anything worn around the neck should not be visible; one piece of jewellery on the wrist. No nose piercings are allowed.
  • Minimal make up may be worn. Excessive make-up and coloured nail-varnish/false/acrylic nails or false eyelashes are not permitted.



