Step one of the application process is to get in touch with our Admissions Department. Our full-time Registrar will be your main point of contact. As well as general guidance on how to apply, the Registrar can also help arrange a tour of Dollar for you or answer any questions you might have.
Hopefully you’ll agree that Dollar offers great potential for your child. To make the application official, the next step is to complete our registration form and pay the registration fee of £90. You can do this online by clicking on the appropriate links below, or download and complete the form and then email it to the school.

Once we receive your form, we’ll then make arrangements for your child to take an entrance assessment. These usually take place in January, but can be arranged at a different time of the year if necessary.
Our entrance tests are not simply pass/fail examinations, instead they are used to assess whether prospective pupils are sufficiently able to benefit from a Dollar Academy education and, where relevant, are used to inform decisions on appropriate teaching sets. Reports are requested from the applicant’s previous schools.
- For Prep 1 & 2 (Primary 1 & Primary 2) you will be invited to bring your child for an interview and a short assessment with Mrs MacNish, Head of Dollar Academy Prep and Junior school.
- For Prep 3 – Prep 5 (Primary 3 – 5), entry is by assessment. Postal tests can be arranged for Prep 4 and 5 stages.
- For Junior 1 and Junior 2 (Primary 6 & Primary 7), pupils are invited to sit an entrance examination. Arrangements can be made for pupils who do not live locally to sit the examination under the supervision of their own schools. Pupils who become ten in the calendar year of their proposed entry to Junior 1 sit papers in English, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning. There will also be a short arithmetic test. Pupils who become eleven take more advanced papers for entry into Junior 2.
- For Form I and Form II (S1 & S2), entry is normally by examination. Arrangements can be made for pupils who do not live locally to sit the examination under the supervision of their own schools. For entry to Form I and II pupils are invited to sit papers in English, Mathematics, Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning.
- For entrance to Forms III, IV, V and VI (S3 – 6), pupils are assessed by public examination results, a report or reference from their previous school, and, wherever possible, an interview with the Rector.

We’ll let you know the result of the entrance assessment within two weeks. There is a contract to complete and returnable deposit of £500 for day pupils and £1,500 for boarders when accepting an offer of a place.