
Dollar offers the widest range of SQA subjects in Scotland and our super-curriculum includes modules in subjects as diverse as Microbiology, Astronomy, Philosophy and Italian along with opportunities for coding, robotics, debating, cooking and Classics.

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Individual Assessment Arrangements

Assessment arrangements allow candidates who are defined as disabled under the provisions of the Equality Act 2010, and/or have been identified as having additional support needs, access to appropriate arrangements to complete an assessment without compromising its integrity.

The SQA operates an evidence based system. The individual assessment needs of a pupil will be considered subject by subject, with no assumption that the same kind of support will be required in every case. We would anticipate that any supporting evidence, such as advisory information from educational psychologists, would be shared and discussed with the school no later than February of the examination year.

After Dollar More Information

Along with the unique experiences that pupils gain from their time here at Dollar, we would like to think our influence travels with them…whatever route they choose to travel. For more information about leavers destinations, UCAS applications, and career resources click the link below.

Dollar Academy