All staff have a very important role to play in boosting confidence and rewarding pupils with verbal praise as well as written comment on school work and homework.
All staff have a very important role to play in boosting confidence and rewarding pupils with verbal praise as well as written comment on school work and homework.
School assemblies offer a good opportunity to recognise achievement and communicate praise and appreciation. Individual and group/team achievements, whether in or out of school, are announced and pupils are invited to come to the platform to receive awards/medals and are
applauded by the Academy.
Prizegiving is an occasion for publicly rewarding academic achievement and effort. Prizes are also awarded for service to the Academy and for particular forms of non-academic achievement. Other awards, such as Internationalist Awards, reflect wider achievement and
The school’s substantial co-curricular programme has, as an explicit aim, the development of positive behaviour and relationships: teamwork, leadership and commitment are thereby encouraged and developed. Hundreds of Dollar pupils participate in school sport and the
sporting ethos of the school particularly emphasises positive behaviour and fair play. The school
has an outstanding reputation in this area.
Pupils may be awarded colours or half-colours for achievement and effort in a wide-variety of sporting and cultural fields.
Daily Form Tutor time has a significant role to play in encouraging positive behaviour.
Information evenings and parents’ evenings are seen as a further opportunity to disseminate school values and to encourage positive parenting, positive behaviour by pupils in and out of school, and a partnership approach between school and parents.
Senior members of staff often write formal letters of congratulation to individual pupils to commend them for good work, behaviour or notable achievement.
Guidance staff monitor pupil attitude, behaviour and progress generally, taking feedback from Form Tutors and class teachers and by using the self-review system. The guidance team take a variety of approaches to commending progress and positive behaviour, from personally
congratulating pupils to writing to them.
Various media highlight the success and positive behaviour of a high number of current and past pupils, and teachers, in a variety of different ways.
Where pupils’ attitude or behaviour in lessons causes frequent or continued cause for concern, or where pupils are disorganised about homework or bringing books or equipment to class, the Head of Year may place a pupil “on report” for some or all lessons and/or homework for a specified period of time. The report card is initialled by teachers and countersigned by a parent or guardian who is always informed in advance that a pupil is to go “on report”. This is intended as a supportive measure to enable pupils to receive regular feedback, positive where possible, rather than as a punishment. There are two types of report, the standard one requiring regular reporting to the Head of Year, and an enhanced version involving a daily meeting with the appropriate Assistant Rector.
Many pupils can develop self-esteem and gain useful experience through various posts of responsibility within the Academy. All Form VI pupils are prefects for example and many volunteer to act as helpers in various ways. All Quints (houses) have captains for different sports at different ages. Younger pupils are often asked to “buddy” new pupils in their year group.
Many aspects of the PSE programme at Dollar explicitly and implicitly support and encourage positive behaviour both in and out of school.
Opportunity is provided for pupils to take on various posts of responsibility through their participation in a variety of school committees: eg School Council, Cyber Committee, Charities, Committee, Yearbook Committee, Eco Committee.
In addition to reporting on academic progress, school reports are an opportunity to praise those pupils who merit compliment and to offer guidance on their continued development.
Teachers and senior pupils are expected to act as role models for younger children.
As recognised by the most recent inspection visit by Education Scotland (June 2012), the school’s ethos is positive, caring and supportive.
The Support for Learning department works with individuals to identify supportive learning
strategies, build confidence and raise self-esteem, fostering positive self-images and
behaviours towards learning.
The school counsellor works with individuals with emotional or behavioural problems with similar aims to the Support for Learning department. Often there is crossover between the two in supporting Academy pupils.
This policy applies to breaches of Academy rules, as listed in the set of school information booklets and in the Parents’ Contract. Whilst some of the behaviour set out below will relate specifically to behaviour in the classroom, pupils and parents should be aware that breaches of discipline in the school campus; in the environs of the town of Dollar; while travelling to and from the Academy; on Academy trips or activities – will also be covered by this policy. Furthermore, where pupils are outwith the Academy’s direct influence, on holiday, at weekends, away from the area, but have brought the Academy into disrepute by their actions – they will also be covered by the policy.
The following is a non-exhaustive list of behaviour that will be considered a minor breach of
– unsatisfactory work or late work
– lateness to class
– inattention in lessons
– minor breaches of school uniform rules
– minor misuse of mobile technology
– failure to bring books or equipment to class
– chewing gum
– littering
The class teacher is responsible in the first instance for dealing with minor breaches in
discipline. A minor breach of discipline will normally be dealt with in one of the following
verbal reprimand/warning
repeat of unsatisfactory work
issuing of extra work or lines
departmentally arranged lunchtime detentions
Minor breaches of discipline will not normally result in suspension or exclusion of a pupil.
Subject teachers may bring repeated minor breaches of discipline to the attention of their
Head of Department or to Guidance staff (or both) so that patterns can be monitored
and/or discussions with the pupil can take place. If necessary a more serious sanction
The following is a non-exhaustive list of behaviour that will be considered a more serious
breach of discipline:
disruptive behaviour in lessons
misuse of IT equipment, software or other school equipment
misuse of mobile technology
minor graffiti
deliberate attempts at deception or cheating in class or homework
absence from class without permission
failing to register in the morning
A more serious breach of discipline will normally be dealt with by Guidance staff, the Deputy Rector and Assistant Rectors in the Academy, although from time to time it may be appropriate for the class teacher to deal with the matter in the first instance. An appropriate sanction for a more serious breach of discipline will be a verbal warning and / or detention. Heads of Year may organise lunchtime or after school detentions. More serious offences are dealt with by Early Morning Detentions, issued by the Deputy Rector and generally undertaken at 8am on weekdays before school. The parent or guardian of the pupil will be informed. A detention may be issued for repeated minor breaches of discipline or for a single more serious breach. Repeated category 2 breaches may merit suspension or exclusion as set out below.
Only members of the Senior Staff (Rector, Deputy Rector and Assistant Rectors) have the
authority to suspend a pupil. Before a pupil is suspended a member of the Senior Staff will,
whenever practical, discuss the situation with the parent or guardian.
Pupils will normally be suspended for a fixed term while further investigation takes place, or
to allow time for consideration and consultation. The Academy recognises the seriousness
of the sanction of suspension and will endeavour to ensure any suspension is limited to a
maximum of ten school days. Pupils can in certain circumstances be suspended immediatelyfollowing an incident. The Rector or Deputy Rector where practicable will write to the parents or guardian advising them of the suspension and confirming the length of the suspension. The Academy may require to extend the period of suspension if further investigation is required and will write to the parents or guardian advising them of any extension in advance. On return from suspension a pupil may be given a final warning about his or her conduct. After investigation and consideration a suspension may ultimately lead to permanent exclusion.
Only the Rector is empowered to permanently exclude a pupil and he will only do so after
consultation with the Chairman of Governors. Before exclusion takes place the Rector will:
a) ensure an appropriate investigation into the alleged breach of discipline has
been carried out
b) consult such members of staff as he deems appropriate
c) seek the views of the pupil and the parents or guardian at a meeting before
reaching a decision
The Rector will generally inform the Chairman of Governors of the full facts, but other Governors should know only the fact that a pupil has been permanently excluded and that the Chairman is aware of the facts. The Rector may exclude a pupil following the committing of a category 3 breach of discipline, or for the persistent committing of category 2 breaches, or if the Rector is convinced that the pupil’s conduct brings the Academy’s name into disrepute or is so prejudicial to the discipline of the Academy or to the welfare of other pupils in the Academy that permanent exclusion is necessary. The Rector where appropriate will take into account the pupil’s previous record at the Academy and any other relevant circumstances. The Rector where appropriate will also take into account contrition, honesty and acceptance of responsibility. However, for sufficiently serious breaches, these factors may not apply and it will appropriate to exclude a pupil for a single breach. The Rector will write to the parents/guardian confirming permanent exclusion. For a period of seven days following verbal or written intimation of a decision to permanently exclude, the parents/guardian will have the right to request, in writing, a Governors’ Review of the decision. Further details of this process are available on request from The Bursar or Rector. The pupil shall not attend the Academy pending the outcome of any such review. Except as required by law, the Academy and its staff will not be required to divulge to parents, pupils, guardians or third parties any confidential information which has been acquired during an investigation.
If a pupil is permanently excluded, there will be no refund of the acceptance deposit or of
fees for the current or past terms, but the unspent balance of any lump sum pre-payment
will be refunded without interest. There will be no charge to fees in lieu of notice but all
arrears of fees and any other sum due to the Academy will be payable.
As an alternative to exclusion, parents may be granted the opportunity, during or at the end
of a term, to withdraw a pupil, temporarily or permanently from the Academy, if, after
consultation with a pupil and/or parent, the Rector agrees that an enforced permanent
exclusion is unnecessary. Examples of this might be: that there has been no major
disciplinary breach, but by reason of the pupil’s conduct or progress the pupil seems
unwilling or unable to benefit sufficiently from the educational opportunities offered by the
Academy; or that a parent has treated the Academy or members of its staff in a grossly
unreasonable manner. In this case, the pupil’s status as a leaver will be recorded as
“withdrawn” rather than “excluded”. The acceptance deposit will be returned and the
unspent balance of any lump sum pre-payment will be refunded without interest. There will
be no charge to fees in lieu of notice but all arrears of fees and any other sum due to the
Academy will be payable.
The expression ‘leaving status’ refers to whether the pupil has been excluded or withdrawn
and to the record which will be entered in to the pupil’s file as to the reason for leaving. The
following relevant matters will be discussed by the Rector with the parents or guardian and,
where appropriate, with the pupil, in respect of the pupils leaving status:
the pupil’s status as a leaver
the transfer of the pupil’s work to another educational establishment
the nature of the reference which will be given in respect of the pupil
any invitation to become a member of the Former Pupil clubs
the financial aspects of the pupil’s leaving.
The school-parent contract contains the following section:
Your child’s behaviour. The Rector may at his/her discretion require you to remove or may suspend or, in serious or persistent cases, expel your child from the Academy if he/she considers that your child’s attendance, progress or behaviour, including behaviour outside school, is unsatisfactory, or your child has brought the Academy into disrepute or has committed a serious contravention of the Academy Rules or if, in the reasonable opinion of the Rector, the removal is in the Academy’s best interests or those of your child or other children. You may also be required to remove your child if, in the reasonable opinion of the Rector, he or she is unwilling or unable to benefit sufficiently from the educational opportunities offered. Your behaviour. The Rector may in his/her discretion require you to remove or may suspend or, in serious or persistent cases, expel your child if the behaviour of you or either of you is, in the opinion of the Rector, unreasonable and adversely affects, or is likely to adversely affect, your child’s or other children’s progress at the Academy, the well-being of Academy staff, or bring the Academy into disrepute. Refund of fees. Should the Rector exercise his/her right under Clause 1.1 or 1.2, you will not be entitled to any refund or remission of fees or supplemental charges due (whether paid or payable) and the deposit will be forfeited. Nature of offences. The Academy Rules set out examples of offences likely to be punishable by suspension or expulsion. These examples are not exhaustive, and in particular the Rector may decide that suspension or expulsion for a lesser offence is justified where there has been previous misbehaviour or other relevant circumstances.
The Prep and Junior School fully adheres to the principles of promoting positive behaviour
and recognises the importance of courtesy, integrity, good manners and respect for the
needs of others outlined in this policy. Given the younger age of the children, and the
teaching and learning context in which they operate, breaches of school discipline and lapses
in behaviour may not always follow the pattern of the sanctions outlined above.
In general the class teacher takes responsibility for the behaviour within their class. There is
often use of circle time and peer support. In cases of unsatisfactory behaviour, however,
sanctions are likely to be applied as a deterrent and to help children learn that actions have
These may include, but will not be limited to:
Withdrawing the child from the class to spend time with another teacher
Curtailing a child’s playtime for a specified length of time
Referring a child to the Assistant Head, Prep School or the Assistant Head, Junior
Asking for an unsatisfactory or un-finished piece of work to be re-done or
completed and signed by parent
In most instances, and where appropriate, behaviour which falls below our expectations is discussed with the parent and any sanctions are explained. More serious instances of bad behaviour will usually be dealt with as outlined for category 3 breeches of discipline in the main policy above.